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AIJA Annual Labour Law Conference

AIJA Annual Labour Law Conference

OCT 12, 2024
Our colleagues Beatriz Sánchez and Almudena Álvarez attended this week the largest AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers Annual Labour Law Conference ever, held in magical Istanbul! Almudena Álvarez had the honor of moderating the panel on “Changing views and laws on working times?” together with dynamic speakers from different countries.
ELLINT Fall Meeting – Lisbon

ELLINT Fall Meeting – Lisbon

SEPT 28, 2024
Our colleagues Nuria Naranjo and Almudena Álvarez participated this week in the Fall Meeting of "ELLINT: Employment & Labor Lawyers International" in sunny Lisbon. After discussing new trends in employment law (among others, are gender-critical beliefs protected from discrimination at the workplace?) and planning upcoming ELLINT meetings, we got to enjoy the sunset at Javá rooftop and the Portuguese cuisine at the famous TimeOut market, as well as a super fun team building activity at Carcavelos Beach. Muito obrigadas pela organizaçao Manuel Ferreira and Paramount Legal team! Our firm is a proud member of this organization of employment and labor law firms across the globe (18 countries!).
Sex at work

Sex at work

SEPT 24, 2024
Fair dismissal of a married couple of employees because they left unattended their respective duties for a few minutes during peak time to engage in sexual intercourse in the booth where the husband usually is as the maintenance manager of the Tennis Club where they both work (the sexual moans were audible from outside). This behavior constitutes a breach of contractual good faith and an abuse of trust, because they used company premises for personal purposes, and they did it during their working time; it is also notable that the husband was the only one who had the keys to the booth and they used this trust for personal benefit. Furthermore, there were children around who could have witnessed this sexual activity, which could even be classified as a crime of exhibitionism in front of minors. Appellate Court of Catalonia, 03/15/24
Domestic Workers: occupational risks prevention

Domestic Workers: occupational risks prevention

SEPT 17, 2024
Do you have a domestic worker (DW)? From the moment the National Health and Social Security Institute (INSST) publishes the free risk evaluation tool, you will have six months to comply with the obligations provided in the Royal Decree 893/2024, from September 10, which mainly are: i) complying with the obligation of conducting a risk evaluation to ensure the health and safety of the workplace (your home), that should be periodically updated if the working conditions change, ii) implementation of the measures needed to reduce/avoid the risks detected in the evaluation (these measures must be in writing and handed over to the employee who can participate in its implementation), iii) providing working tools to the DW and, if necessary, the special individual protection equipment too, and iv) train the DW in occupational risks prevention once the SEPE (public employment service) publishes the training activities for that purpose. The employer may provide the occupational risks prevention activities if they is able to do so, or have other close person taking over them or hire an external prevention service for that purpose. The INSST shall prepare and publish the guide to prevent violence and harassment at the workplace, which must be given to the DW. DW will be entitled to a medical check-up every 3 years once the National Health System starts offering them for free. In case of non-compliance with the occupational risks prevention regulation resulting in the DW receiving a Social Security’s pension due to a work related accident or sickness, this social benefit will not carry a surcharge for the employer – unlike for the companies.
AIJA Annual Congress – M A D R I D

AIJA Annual Congress – M A D R I D

7 SEPT 2024
Our colleagues Beatriz Sánchez, Marta Roig, Inés López, and Almudena Álvarez have needed more than a week to recover from what it was the largest AIJA (International Association of Young Lawyers) Annual Congress ever, with almost 800 participants from 68 jurisdictions, which took place Sept 3-7 in our beloved hometown Madrid. Our firm had the honor of sponsoring this memorable event, our partner, Almudena Álvarez, was co-chair of the Organizing Committee, and our associate, Beatriz Sánchez, got appointed member of the AIJA Executive Committee. Under the theme "Thinking Globally - The Role of International Lawyers in a World Searching for Answers" the participants/speakers analyzed various legal issues structured in 5 pillars: i) Technology, ii) Defense & Security, iii) Trade, iv) Energy Transition, and v) Inequality.